UNC Charlotte Women's Club Rugby is a tight-knit team of college athletes. In Spring 2024, we placed 7th in DII NRC CRC 7s in Boyds, Maryland and in Fall 2024, we made it to the 15s conference championships in Myrtle Beach. We endeavor to build up strong athletes both on the field and in every area of life. From the field to study groups to alumni connections, women's rugby is a place to grow in community, scholarship, and athleticism.
Like last year, we are aiming to go to nationals again and place even higher in our division. Going to tournaments to qualify is often out of state, as is nationals, so we need funds to support travel expenses for the team. We are looking at games in Maryland, Myrtle Beach, and Appalachia, and traveling is not cheap! From hotels to gas to meals to tournament fees, everything adds up.
We are also in need of new equipment and would love to replace some of our rugby balls, pennies, and other gear to improve practice quality.
Your donation will help cover the cost of expenses for the Women's Club Rugby team.
You can double or triple the impact of your gift if your employer participates in a matching gift program. To see if your employer has a matching gift program, click here. If your company matches, complete your matching gift form and submit it to UNC Charlotte via mail (UNC Charlotte Foundation, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223), fax (704-687-7259) or email (mwinslow@charlotte.edu).
A knock-on occurs when the ball is knocked forward off of a player’s body in any way other than a kick. At the knock-on level, you can cover the cost of one new rugby ball!
A line-out occurs when the ball goes out-of-bounds. Two lifters on each team will lift a jumper into the air to catch the ball, which is then passed to the scrumhalf. At the Line-Out Level, you can cover the cost of one member's registration fees.
A scrum is one way to restart play after a minor infringement. Both teams’ forwards bind up in three rows and then bind onto each other so that the front rows are interlocked. The scrumhalf throws the ball into the gap between the two front rows, and the hookers on both teams try to hook the ball back with their feet while the other forwards try to drive the opposing team away from the ball. At the Scum Level, you can cover the cost of one hotel room for a tournament in another state!