Women's Club Field Hockey

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
53 Donors
days left
Project ends on March 29, at 12:00 PM EDT
Project Owners

Help With Yearly Expenses

As Charlotte Club Field Hockey begins its fourth year as a club sport, we are enlisting your help to make this the best season yet! Charlotte has an amazing club sports community, however in recent years the financial compensation for these club sports to be able to carry out their duties has been lacking. Club sports received a total budget this year that was a 40% reduction from last year and therefore Club Field Hockey's budget has been greatly reduced. Club Field Hockey and all club sports are some of the most engaging activities on campus and in the Charlotte community. They heavily promote the involvement of incoming freshmen and the student population. We are determined to keep growing, promoting, and representing the Club Field Hockey team here at Charlotte and we need your help to do it!

This spring we have a busy schedule. We will be hosting a total of five different colleges from the east coast here at home to promote field hockey while representing the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. We had some major accomplishments and milestones this previous year. Thanks to your previous help, we fundraised for a set of 25 uniforms, we had a 4-3-1 record last year, played nine games, had a team of 19 players, volunteered with the USA National Field Hockey team, and our president Emma Palmer received the "Sport Club Officer of the Year" award out of over 150 club sports officers for the clubs growth and accomplishments. Field Hockey has become an acknowledged sport club on campus and this season will be no different. UNC Charlotte is a part of the National Field Hockey League where we organize and schedule games. When playing in a league we are held to the highest standard of sportsmanship and professionalism. Your donations will help pay for our league fees, expenses for games, travel expenses, and hopefully our spot at regionals and nationals this year!

Here is our tentative game schedule for this spring. We could not be more excited to travel to nationals in Virginia Beach and host these games/tournaments. We need your help to achieve all that we have planned. Any donation and support will be met with immense gratitude from our entire team! Thank you in advance, and we hope to see you at our home matches this spring!

Your donation will help cover the cost of expenses related to Field Hockey (the team/program/group, etc.)

You can double or triple the impact of your gift if your employer participates in a matching gift program.  To see if your employer has a matching gift program, click here. If your company matches, complete your matching gift form and submit it to UNC Charlotte via mail (UNC Charlotte Foundation, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223), fax (704-687-7259) or email (mwinslow@charlotte.edu).

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