NATIONALS WAS A SUCCESS! Thanks to the generous donations of all of our wonderful donors we were able to send 18 UNCC NSBE members to Kansas City, Missouri for our National Convention! Of those 18, 14 had on the spot interviews and 7 came away with internships, jobs, or research opportunities! (That's about 40% of the people sent got something for you number lovers! We are engineers remember!) It is also with great pride that we recognize our very own chapter president Jeremy Coffey who was elected to be the Region II Comfort Zone Coordinator! We wouldn't be able to do this without every cent that was donated through this crowdfunding campaign! So big thank you to each and every donor as well as UNC Charlotte Crowdfunding for the opportunity! Please know that we will continue to strive, achieve, and increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community!
We have officially come to the end of our crowdfunding campaign! The National Society of Black Engineers chapter at UNC Charlotte extends their deepest gratitudes to everyone one who helped make this project a success! Not only did we meet our $5000 goal but we PASSED it reaching over $5700! Also thanks to some last minute pushing we won our deans challenge and got the most donors allowing us to receive an extra 10% from the college! We could not have done this without your help and know that your donations have help shape the next generation of black leaders in engineering who succeed professionally, excel academically, and are positively impacting the community. Be sure to keep an eye out for more updates about the success stories that come from our trip to Kansas City, Misouri! Also if you ever feel the need to give more you can still do so through the crowdfunding page. Thank you once again!
We're more than halfway there! (68% to be exact) It is because of all the hard work, dedication, and generosity that all of you have provided thus far that we can finally say that! But we aren't quite done yet. Keep pushing the word out to everyone you know! Remember we cant do this without your help and thank you all so much for your contribution!
A few days ago you all received an update about us being halfway to our goal! Sadly that is not the case. I guess we got a little ahead of ourselves with all the support our wonderful donors have been giving us! This shouldn't discourage anyone, but should instead motivate you to pub and donate more! We're so close to that halfway point we can taste it and we're going to need your help to get there! Once again thank you for all your support and understanding!
Your donation can help cover the cost of food for one person at the conference.
Your donation can help cover the cost of a split hotel room for one person.
Your donation can help cover the cost of transportation while at the conference.
Your donation can help cover a one way ticket for a student to fly to Kansas City, Missouri.