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20-21 NASA Student Launch Competition

Help the 49er Rocketry Team compete at the 2021 NASA Student Launch Competition. To date, $10,375 has been raised from 105 gifts.

We Won!

June 03, 2021

Dear Rocketry Family,

I am overjoyed to announce that NASA has confirmed us as the overall winner of the 2021 USLI launch division! It goes without saying that this achievement was only possible with hard work, talent, and wonderful supporters like yourself. Thanks to your support we were able to inspire the next generation of Scientists and Engineers through our K-12 STEM outreach endeavors. You've allowed us to participate and accomplish our passion that was this project. I confidently speak on behalf of the team when I say we've all become more dynamic, ingenious, and well-rounded engineers because of this project... Thank you for a one in a lifetime experience!

with love and gratitude,

Alan Rodriguez 


We've Reached our Goal! | Sub-scale Launch

November 19, 2020

Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters for helping us reach our crowdfunding goal! Thanks to you, we will be able to apply the accumulated knowledge of our college careers to this NASA derived mission. Don’t forget to tune in to learn about our status in the competition!


We are thrilled to announce that yesterday was our first successful sub-scale launch and recovery! Thanks again for supporting us through this effort and watching us grow as a team! We are one step closer to Huntsville, Alabama!


Check out our Instagram for a clip of the launch:



Challenge Update + Kids Fest

November 10, 2020

Hello Rocketry family!


We are just $170 away from meeting the $500 matching challenge and only 7 days away from the conclusion of the crowdfunding campaign. Please share the crowdfunding campaign to help make this project a success for our team!


We have completed the second outreach event of the year with Kids Fest! In this virtual event, the team introduced children to the concept of how thrust, a nose cone, and fins affect a rocket. These concepts were then materialized when the team taught the children how to build and launch their very own bottle rockets!


Mentor Challenge + 80% to Goal

November 02, 2020

Hello, my fellow rocketry enthusiasts and alumni!


We are happy to announce that after a long night of work we’ve finally submitted our Preliminary Design Review (PDR) to NASA! This concludes the second out of six major project milestones and puts us one step closer to launch competition in Huntsville, Alabama!


To further add to the good news, our wonderful mentor has issued a $500 dollar-for-dollar match that is open to everyone! We are only 20% away from achieving our project goal and halfway through our campaign, so let’s punch right through the clouds to meet this matching donation challenge!


Thank you once again for your generous support. Please help us spread the word to reach our goal!




Alan Rodriguez

Crowdfunding project lead

Thank You!

October 22, 2020

Wow! My fellow rocketry enthusiasts, your support is out of this world!


Thanks to your support we’ve managed to raise $3,886 within one week, putting us at 71% of our goal! We’d like to give a special thanks to Alex Sutton 17’ for matching $500 worth of donations from rocketry alumni, Ricarda Hahn for matching $500 worth of donations from wonderful supporters like yourself, and to Ignacio Arechiga and Patrick McBride for making extremely generous donations! Your support will help ensure we have a competitive advantage for the competition.


The team is vigorously working to meet the Nov 2nd deadline for the PDR; however, we've managed to scrape together some time and started building our sub-scale rocket. Below is an image of the nose cone that will be used on the sub-scale. Similarly, the motor and the carbon fiber tubing has been ordered, now we just need to realize the design. 



Attention Rocketry Alumni!

October 12, 2020



Alex Sutton, a generous rocketry alumnus has agreed to match up to 500 dollars in donations from rocketry alumni. Please take advantage of this opportunity and help the team achieve first place once and for all!


We’ve reached our 25% goal with 36 days left in the campaign! So far the team has been vigorously working on the preliminary design review (PDR). During the PDR the team finalizes and documents all of the design aspects of the project. The PDR must be completed for the construction of the full-scale rocket. Conversely, the team is currently working on the sub-scale rocket to gain the necessary data to build its full-scale counterpart.


The team has had the pleasure of completing our first official outreach event with the center for STEM education, here at UNCC. Mr. Jacob Longuillo gave a presentation to High School students talking about the nature of the mechanical engineering degree. Similarly,  he also described the 49er rocketry team’s exciting mission for the 20-21 USLI!






Accepted into the University Student Launch Initiative!

October 02, 2020

NASA has officially approved the 49er rocketry team for participation in the 20-21 University Student Launch Initiative (USLI)! It is with great enthusiasm and humility that we accept this daring challenge. We are committed to the delivery of a competitive vehicle and payload. Likewise, we will also strive to be the sparks that ignite the fires of curiosity in the next generation of Scientists and Engineers.


We'd also like to thank all of our supporters for aiding us in these uncertain times. Your financial and moral support is the fuel of this project! 

Our Crowdfunding Groups