The English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta (ΣΤΔ), which is one of the oldest ongoing chapters in the nation, sponsors social, intellectual, and scholarly activities on campus throughout the year. In the last few years, Sigma Tau Delta has been able to send students to the national convention, where students present papers, participate in roundtables, or to read their creative work. This year, 7 students have have been accepted to present either their scholarship or their creative work at the conference.
A White Elephant book event late last semester!
This year every student submitted individual papers and will be participating on panels with fellow students who attend other programs across the US. UNC Charlotte's "reach" will thus be strong and impressive.
Sigma Tau Delta is crowdfunding this spring to raise awareness and support of our trip to the National Convention. Funding will help cover the costs for registration, travel, and accommodations.
Please make a gift today to help us be able to have this experience in Atlanta -- every gift counts!
"They say, if money goes before all ways do lie open."
Merry Wives
Your gift of $20 will help cover the cost of meals for the Sigma Tau Delta students as they connect with others to think critically and thoughtfully on a variety of topics.
Your gift of $70 will help cover the cost of one student's registration fee to attend the National Conference in St. Louis.
Your gift of $149 will help cover the cost of travel, such as flights and lodging for 49er students to attend the Sigma Tau Delta National Conference in March 2019.
Your generous gift of $249 will help alleviate the financial cost for each student.